How we secure Switzerland's freedom, independence, prosperity and energy supply through local, decentrally arranged renewable energy assets owned by local people and municipalities.
The challenge
Our generation must successfully make the transition to renewable energy in order to lay the foundation for a high quality of life and to secure our prosperity for ourselves and the next generations. The Swiss energy landscape is too heavily regulated compared with other countries. Politicians are called upon to pave the way for liberalization of the electricity market, free pricing and decentralized generation of renewable energy.
Switzerland today
Although we are in a privileged initial situation with our topology, the production of renewable energy in Switzerland has fallen behind compared to other countries. The transition to renewable energy is the greatest challenge of our generation and, in conjunction with geopolitical contexts, presents Switzerland with the challenge of the winter electricity gap.
Why Switzerland must be a leader in renewables
We all benefit from it, directly or indirectly. If we get rid of fossil and nuclear energy sources, which all come from abroad, we increase our quality of life, independence from foreign countries and at the same time lower our energy cost.
Especially the rural regions need sustainable solutions that optimize the use of local businesses (electricity), agriculture (AgriSolar) as well as water and wind. Urban regions also benefit from new, clean power plants! Be it from commercial building installations or from increased price security.
Solar, wind, or water?
All three and more - in Switzerland, wind energy has been neglected for too long. Energy from wind and sun complement each other almost perfectly. About 2/3 of the wind energy is generated overnight and the sun shines during the day. Switzerland, with its many windy valleys, sunny alpine locations, and intensive agriculture offers perfect conditions for this combination.
A cross-technology approach to a working hybrid system allows us to democratize, localize, decentralize and scale energy production. All with a very Swiss advantage: the ability to store energy in water reservoirs serving as a large battery seamlessly embedded in nature.
Switzerland in 2050?
Switzerland must enter the stage of a regenerative economy by 2050. Being "less bad" by reaching "net zero" by 2050 is not good enough to secure our prosperity. Ignoring vested interests lobbying for outdated technologies contrary to the public interest, by 2050, our energy supply will be free from fossil and nuclear energy. Economic reasoning alone makes these energy sources irrelevant, let alone their impact to our quality of life and health.
An intelligent mix of wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and battery energy storage systems form the basis for our energy future. Hybrid renewable assets, decentrally arranged and load curve adapted allow multiple advantages: reduction of the load on the grid, reduced energy prices, local and clean energy, all benefiting the energy strategy.
One more (very personal) thing
We are on a mission. As a family business, we create a common energy generation landscape without monopoles on energy ownership and pricing: no market control of large half-private corporates and their affiliates. We support a balanced scenario from locally available technologies - owned by the local people and municipalities.
Join us on our mission to create a positive, regenerative future for Switzerland - together, today!